Make good use of all the product options with our implementation and Customer Success Coach.
Make good use of all the product options with our implementation and Customer Success Coach.
In the automotive industry, we are busy throughout the year performing periodic inspections of cars, but we sometimes forget to take a regular, critical look at our business processes. Whether you are using SAM, LEF and/or MAX, it is important check every now and then to see whether the processes in use are still fully aligned with your wishes and whether the intended objectives are being achieved. With our Customer Success packages, we can advise and support you on a regular basis and at a fixed rate, ensuring your success.
Would you like to know how your company has performed in the past period with SAM, LEF and MAX? And what other (new) features you could make use of?
What adjustments could we make, in consultation with you, to ensure greater efficiency and better customer communication?
Our Customer Success Coach will be happy to share his expertise, discuss the possibilities and make your business more profitable. Depending on your needs, you choose how often you want to use it.
Our products are perceived by our users as very simple and intuitive. But this does not lessen the importance of training and consultancy.
Expert implementation allows you to make optimum use of all the possibilities our products offer. Business processes and their specific set-up differ from one dealer or car company to another. That is no problem at all. Our products are flexible.
Together with UnameIT, you set up the software according to your wishes and requirements. Users are trained and learn how to integrate the products into their jobs. This makes it easier for you every day!
and discover what our Customer Success Coach can do for you.