Sales en Aftersalesmanagement SAM

From A to Z in the picture

Suppose you only had one customer. You would approach this customer pro-actively, make a fantastic offer, respond to his wishes as much as possible and always approach him in time for a new car... This customer would stay with you forever! But how do you do this for all your customers? SAM allows you to provide this ‘royal treatment’ to all your customers as a matter of course.

SAM supports the entire commercial process, so that no customer escapes your attention. From quote to delivery. From happy call to mailing campaign. From showroom appointment to management report. From one location to dozens of branches. SAM ensures you can get the most out of every contact moment with your customers!


USP blauw
the simplest follow-up module; from quotation to happy call
USP vinkje turkoois
a solution that supports your employees efficiently
USP geel
the best car configurator available
USP blauw
the simplest follow-up module; from quotation to happy call
USP vinkje turkoois
a solution that supports your employees efficiently
USP geel
the best car configurator available
USP blauw
no customer can escape your notice
USP vinkje turkoois
insight into all current and missed sales processes
USP geel
real-time management information on orders and registrations

A complete overview of each customer

SAM is for salespeople, marketing and administrative staff, sales leaders and managers from every kind of car company. With SAM, you always have a complete and detailed overview of all customer data, communication history, orders and deliveries throughout the company.

Sales pathways will never get lost again. You will always have insight into the open actions of all sales processes. Ideal for car dealerships with several branches and multi-brand companies. Brand-specific solutions are not required. Every branch and every employee uses the same software. By having a complete overview of each customer, SAM helps you to create a personalised customer experience.n.

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