Marketing Automation Xperience (en)

Sfeerbeeld overleghoek UnameIT
  • Do you take advantage of every sales opportunity in your company?
  • How do you deal with customers who do not respond immediately?
  • Is insurance offered with every sale?
  • How do you keep your customers informed throughout the sales process?
  • Which extra steps is your sales organisation taking to reclaim missed opportunities?


Thanks to its link with SAM and LEF, MAX provides:

  • A higher conversion rate thanks to reactivation at drop-out in the lead and sales funnel
  • Faster and higher conversion thanks to supporting and accelerating the buyer journey
  • Increased customer satisfaction by communicating information regarding the entire delivery process

MAX’s link with DMS provides:

  • The optimal integration with After Sales provides integration with DMS and workshop appointment data
  • A complete client profile based on both sales and after-sales data
  • Ultra personalised messages because a workshop message takes into account ongoing sales processes
  • A higher conversion rate by generating more leads, both from sales and after-sales
USP blauw
Personalised follow-up and cross-sell emails
USP vinkje turkoois
Stay in touch with your customer
USP geel
Your best salesperson who never forgets anything
USP blauw
Follows up on everything that is no longer top of mind
USP vinkje turkoois
Strengthens your customer loyalty
USP geel
Increases your customer satisfaction
USP blauw
Linked to SAM & LEF
USP vinkje turkoois
24/7 automated grip on lead and sales processes
USP geel
Fast and uniform communication during the lead, sales and after-sales processes

MAX’s complete integration with SAM and LEF ensures you take full advantage of every opportunity within your company! With MAX, you simplify, optimise and automate your sales and marketing processes by reactivating the lead and sales funnel after a breakdown. You also support and speed up the buyer journey as well as convey information about the entire process. This results in higher customer satisfaction. 
Data from the EVA and WinCar DMS systems can also send maintenance and MOT data messages from MAX.

Your (sales) data from SAM, LEF and DMS is used MAXimally to send your customers the right messages at the right time via the right channel. From the lead phase to delivery, MAX provides uniform and personalised follow-up even when there are sales funnel breakdowns. And it will not surprise you that there are systematic follow-ups on all missed leads, test drive appointments and that quotes generate additional orders. Using data from the DMS, the entire post-delivery journey from workshop visit to lead for repeat purchase can also be added within the workflow in MAX. 

The message editor using data from SAM, LEF and DMS as well as from our workshop planner can also be added to the MOT and maintenance messages. 

And of course, you have MAXimal insight into your performance, from lead to deal, with the help of a management dashboard.

proost MAX

MAX Campaign is available

Besides messages based on sales data, lead data and DMS data, you can now also set up marketing campaigns and commercial workflows! Our colleagues will be happy to visit you and provide a no-obligation demo of the latest features of our marketing automation tool MAX.


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